留学资讯 一手掌握


时间: 2020-10-20 文章来源: 洋蜜蜂Online Tutor

 相信绝大部分有备考雅思、托福等英语考试经验、语言相关专业和大部分留学生而言,都对基础250-350字短篇小论文格式有一定的了解,洋蜜蜂带大家让我们再复习一下,一篇正式的论文需要包含以下三个部分,introduction开头,几个body paragraph正文段落以及conclusion结尾。对于不超过350字的小论文来说,一般正文也不会超过三个段落。






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第一个小心机,就出在整篇论文中必须出现两次的thesis statement中心句上。在论文写作要求中,同学们必须在开头introduction段落的第二小块,紧接background背景后写作thesis statement,还有在conclusion结尾的第一句写作thesis statement。然而同学们要注意的是,许多国内留学生在写作时倾向于做很多准备工作,这是非常必要与关键的,但是也正是因为如此同学们在写作开始时大多已经知道本篇文章会深入到什么点、包含哪些内容,因而使得第一处和第二处的中心句几乎一摸一样。事实上,开头处的中心句是不应该写得过于深入的,而应该仅仅是回答主题问题,文章末尾的中心句才应该是真正的“中心句”,成为全篇画龙点睛的一笔。这样,短短300字的小论文会更有层次感,使批阅的老师有深入浅出的感觉,可以相对提高整体论文水平。


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第二点比起小心机更像是一个小提醒。有一些学生会将开头段落需要涉及的essay structure论文结构介绍和正文中每一段落第一句topic sentence写得相当类似,不做区分,这也是不可取的。前者只是大致概括段落写作方向,后者需要挑明该段中心。打个比方,在introduction段落中为正文第一大段做介绍只需要说该段讲了移民在经济上的积极作用,而正文第一大段本身的开头领导句topic sentence应该说明移民在针对移民来自的国家有刺激经济发展,输入资本,帮助振兴相关产业的积极作用。


留学,辅导,补习,Online Tutor,论文格式,论文格式辅导,论文格式tutor,Paper,Paper format

第三点,就是in-text reference的使用。因为小论文应用范围相对狭窄,所以被用在大型考试或正式作业上的机会不多,大多是导师在平时教学中布置,当做小测验。这也就使得很大一批中国学生虽然了解in-text reference怎么做,但是第一因为本身不习惯加入in-text reference在论文中,第二因为不重视日常的小论文写作,认为导师没强调就不用加,而选择性忽视小论文中in-text reference的使用,然而也正是许多人忽视它导致它成为了一个很好的加分项。有时,如果有学生向你抱怨日常小论文作业分数普遍比大论文低,也很有可能是这个原因。




标题:'Although immigration may have some negative effects, it can fairly be claimed that the benefits outweigh the costs'. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

正文:The 21st century is widely considered as the century of human mobility and immigration (Laura, 2018). However, people’s attitudes towards migration varies for many reason. This essay is going to explain why the benefits of immigration outweigh the costs. This essay will start with benefits of immigration for host and original countries. The next part will be analysis on comparison between benefits and costs. This essay will conclude with some suggestions for dealing with the trend.


Host countries’benefits from migration could be summarized as sustainable economic growth and enriched cultural diversity while original countries’ are decreasing unemployment rate and increasing total income (Daniel, 2011). The continuous younger and more skilled workforce injecting into host countries benefits economic and diversify the cultural. Like migrations send remittances home to support families, for original countries, immigration stimulates economic growth and improves life quality.


The main disadvantages of immigration lie on the original country and are like brain drain, family breakup. However, for an original country which is usually less developed than a host country, benefits to increase income, thus heighten national strength exceeds some costs like lost labour in most cases(Travis,2018). For labors themselves, the burning desire to improve living environments also highlight the benefits of more financial income and selectively ignore the costs as an immigrant. Additionally, the costs have been enlarged because of the refugees flood and illegal immigration currently. So with more international concern, it’s possible that relevant regulations will be improved and the global environment for immigrants will be better.


As the result of globalization, immigration is now an inevitable trend with more positive impacts than negative impacts(Stephen,2019). Sustainable economic development and cultural diversity benefits host countries. Less unemployment rate and more income benefits original country.


Although there are negative impacts like brain drain, these impacts could be neglected at many cases. What we need to believe is that with more and more benefits, the overall international environment for immigration is getting better.


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